
Oriental painting

“[…] I gave lectures and taught classes about oriental painting. Oriental painting is pure and warm. It is cozy, like my home town in the rural areas of Dain, and pure as the crystal-clear water of the streams. I guess my own existence was like water. Despite being blocked by thorns, smashed by rocks or ground down by hammers, I feel like I continued to flow as is. My roots definitely come from oriental painting. In fact, every artistic root of Asians cannot be anything other than oriental painting. The word ‘nostalgia’ is sometimes a really beautiful thing. Nostalgia for the 1950s is on the wood floor.”

Her statement, declaring the roots of art as being ‘oriental painting’ is a major key expression that reflects the artist’s artistic status. Furthermore, the artist presents her value of existence as water. Flowing water, which is the law of nature as well as the province of social life. Through such a context, one would realize how alive the old saying 上善若水 (something extremely good is like water) is. If one would be able to live like water, truly as water, what obstacle would life present? Water always humbles itself and continues to flow to a lower place. Water does not sort allies or foes, but blends with all. While never discriminating between salt water or fresh water, never boasting its name for itself, all water flows to rivers and then to the sea. Such friendliness of nature was a value respected in East Asia. That may be the obvious reason why the paintings of Yang Soon Yeal have traces of flowing water in them.

Yoon Beom-mo (Art Critic)

“[…] 동양화는 참 맑고 따스하다. 내 어릴 적의 고향인 시골 다인처럼 포근하며, 개울물처럼 맑고 투명하다. 나의 존재는 물이었던가 보다. 가시로 막아도, 바위로 내리쳐도, 망치로 가루를 내어도, 나는 그저 흘렀던가 보다. 나의 모계는 분명히 동양화다. 아니 동양인 모두의 미술 뿌리는 동양화가 아닐 수 없다. 향수란 말은 때로는 정말 아름답다. 오십의 향수는 마루에 있음을.”

Homo Sapiens

The chunk of desire is like living, is my explanation.
Desire! It is very hard to express it in word or image.
Culture, literature, philosophy, art, religion are all different but always teach us that being plain and moderate can calm desire.
Loving ourselves before loving someone else can be a way to lessen desire.
What I depicted is that we should be careful about desire growing of its own accord, unnoticed.
Someone said: Be aware. You can go such a long way unburdened when you are cautious about desire.

The Adoration
This is a piece that celebrates being born as a human being and all things in the universe. As an Asian, I wanted to explain myself through the supernatural and all things in the universe, and express my gratitude through this piece.

People try to find realization for their own happiness and progress. One day I witness the sea, the landscape of this desire, at a mountain temple. After coming back from the mountain temple I felt great respect for the vast meaning of life, which is how this work could be created.

이것은 사람으로 태어남과 온우주 만물에 경의와 감사를 표하는 그림이다.
시간이 가며 더 절실함은 모든 것에 감사함이다. 이 작품은 동양인이 초자연과 삼라만상에게 나 자신을 설명하고 싶고, 감사의 맘을 전하고 싶음을 표현한 작품이다.

인간은 살아가면서 자신의 행복과 발전을 위하여 깨달음을 얻고 싶어한다.
어느날 한 산사에서 이 열망의 풍경을 목격했다.
이 큰 의미의 삶이 존경스러워 산사에 다녀온 후 던져진 그림이다.

욕망의 덩어리를 ‘살아간다’의 이치로 풀어본다.
욕망!말로 표현하기도,그림으로 표현하기도 난감하다.
문학·철학·예술·종교에서 각자 가는 길은 다를지라도 모두 검소와 절제는 욕망을 잠재우게 한다. 남을 사랑하기에 앞서 자신을 사랑하는 것도 욕망을 축소시키는 방법일 것이다. 자신도 모르게 자라고 있는 욕망을 늘 경계해야 됨을 그림으로 풀어본다.누군가가 말했다,“경계하라.욕망을 경계해야 먼 길을 가볍게 갈 수 있다” 라고.

Dream & Love

The forest and the river of time always exist here.
‘Why do I have to go there?’, it was some kind of destiny.
‘SY Museum’. It was really hard to penetrate this forest that stretches to this painting. This painting looks like a real world but it is in a dream. The dream repeated itself time and again.
Through this painting I could be aware that I was making art.
The part that can easily be explained coexists with another part that seems like it can never be explained.

In the SY Museum, time, space, life and inanimate objects and people together, and their lives make flowers bloom. And past, present and future coexist here.
The wall of time, it is said, can be opened by intelligent minds.
And the women who have the same ideal to lead beautiful lives here together.
Happiness, peace and freedom dwell here together.
The painting depicts 15 figures and 2 robots, and they all look very radiant and dignified.
The dreams of those figures are depicted in the world in the background.

꿈과 사랑의 SY 미술관
여기에 내 미술의 숲과 시간의 강이 오랜동안 존재해 있다.여기에는 시간의 숲, 공간의 숲, 인간의 숲, 생명의 숲과 함께 내 그림의 숲도 함께 한다. 이 그림은 현실 같으면서 꿈속같다. 여기에서 ‘나는 미술을 하고 있다’ 라고 설명되어지는 것 같다.

SY 미술관, 여기에는 시간, 공간, 생물과 무생물, 사람이 서로 어우러져 꽃이 피어난다. 현재 과거 미래의 시간이 함께 존재되어 있다. 여기에는 아름다운 삶을 꿈꾸는 같은 이상향을 지닌 여인끼리 모여 있다. 행복과 평화와 자유가 깃들어져 있다.


Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother

Born and called for one hundred years.
Called for a long time, over and over, our mother!
Called over and over again, our eternal mother!


Because of mother
Because of foolish love
The bow seems to replicate light and color also.
Mother’s deep inner bow
So beautiful and boundless!
As woman, as mother, by way of art
Boldness and the sacrifice of righteousness was more important than ever.
And on those future paths
Out of the beauty of the bow, indeed dreaming of the wisdom and virtue of a better bow.

어머니 어머니 어머니 어머니 어머니 어머니 어머니 어머니 어머니 어머니
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어머니 어머니 어머니 어머니 어머니 어머니 어머니 어머니 어머니 어머니

태어나서 백년을 부르고
오랜 시간 부르고 또 부를 어머니!
부르고 또 불러도 영원한 우리 어머니!

별과 달
어머니가 태양이 빛나는 나라에서 별과 달을 얻다.

숙임만큼 빛이 되고 색이 되_다
내 마음 내 나이, 어린 시절 같던 30,40대 중반을 지나
여인의 나이
어느새 오십의 중반에 와 있습니다.
자식에 대한 무조건의 사랑, 헌신과 믿음의 노력으로.
세월속에 어머니의 깊은 내면의 숙임이 저절로 만들어졌습니다.
못난 사랑이기에
숙임만큼 빛이 되고 색이 되는 듯도 합니다.
어머니의 깊은 내면의 숙임은
너무나 아름답고 위대합니다!
여성으로 어머니로 미술의 길에서
이제까지 정의로움의 담대함과 희생이 무엇보다 중요했습니다.
그리고 그 미래 길들에서
숙임이란 아름다움에 더_ 숙일 줄 아는 참으로의 지혜와 덕망을 꿈꾸고 있습니다.